Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethical Dilemma Case Study - 686 Words

Ethical Dilemma The case of Richard Adessi appears to be a rather simple one at first glance. As he was leaving for work during a snowstorm that kept many others at home, he dropped dead in his garage from an apparent heart attack. After following in his fathers footsteps and working at IBM from the time he was just eighteen, Adessi was just four months shy of his thirty year anniversary with the company. That fact proves to be problematic when deciding what to do for his surviving family members. If Adessi had worked the full thirty years before his death his family would be eligible for his full retirement of $1,800 a month and free lifetime healthcare. However, with only 29 years in they would instead receive only $340 a month and have to pay $473 a month to continue their healthcare coverage. While the ethical thing for the Vice President in charge of benefits to do would seem to be simply to grant the family the full amount, it is important to remember that the VP also has an ethical obligation to his company as well. When he took the job at IBM, the VP was given the responsibility to act in the best interest of the company and to serve them as best he could. In the case of Richard Adessi, granting full retirement could end up costing IBM tens, even hundreds, of thousands of dollars. For that money, the company would receive no concrete return, since there will be no employee coming to work for that amount. Furthermore, the company entered into an agreement with Mr.Show MoreRelatedEthical Dilemma Case Study1333 Words   |  6 PagesAssignment â€Æ' Contents Answer 1 Ethical Dilemma of the organization: 2 Answer 2 Four Steps of Ethical analysis 3 Step 1 Understanding the situation: 3 Step 2 Isolate the major ethical Dilemma: 3 Step 3 Ethical Analysis 3 a) Consequentialism: 3 b) Rights and duties 4 c) Kant’s categorical Imperative 4 d) Discussion 4 Step 4 Making a decision: 4 Conclusion 5 References 5 â€Æ' Answer 1 Ethical Dilemma of the organization: In the given case study, the ethical dilemma exists with the working structureRead MoreEthical Dilemma Case Study843 Words   |  4 Pages The ethical dilemma is a situation by which it’s difficult to determine whether a situation is can be handled without disappointing both sides. Therefore, an ethical dilemma exists when the right thing to do is clear or when members of the healthcare team cannot agree on the right thing to do. 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