Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Online Viewing of Grades free essay sample

Apart from the standard search engine feature, web portals offer services such as e-mail, news, information, and entertainment. Portals provide ways for enterprises to present a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for multiple application, which otherwise would have been different entities altogether. Web portal was build for its main function to make some marketing strategies for a specific organization. It has to be catchy to the public’s eye, interesting to the senses, and somewhat a creative masterpiece. Schools are just one of the institutions who need a Web Portal to share to the public the recognitions they have to attained, their students’ prowess, their teaching force, the schools’ plans and activities, online grading system, and latest school news. The proposed web portal would serve as an electronic bulletin board showcasing the latest and future plans and events of the school. Sometime in January 1983, Mrs. Fatima Medalla-Estacio and a close friend discussed the plan of founding a school. We will write a custom essay sample on Online Viewing of Grades or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The idea was inspired by Mrs. Estacio’s deep concern and profound love for children as well as her great passion for teaching which flourished and was nourished during her three year stint in one of the most prestigious schools in Quezon City. Five months later, in June 1983, the Sto. Nino Child Study Center was established. It was named as such for January is the feast month of the Holy Child. With only 28 pupils as their starting enrolment but eventually increased to 32 towards the end of the school year 1983-1984. After a year, the Department of Education granted the Preparatory School the permit to operate and was recognized on December 14, 1990 with an enrollment of 177 preschoolers. With these trends in technology both affecting the students and their mothology, the proponents intend to propose the development of a Web Portal with Online Viewing of Grade for Sto. Nino School de Novaliches to provide them a better means of communication between the students and the faculty. It may also be used for marketing purpose for it may invite new students. 2. 2 Overview of the Current System Sto. Nino de Novaliches School has its own newspaper publication – â€Å"Student Digest†, and is under the tutelage of a fully trained adviser and staff. Adviser and staff of Sto. Nino de Novaliches School manually monitors articles for their school newspaper. Staff submits their articles to their adviser. The adviser then will check the articles for grammatical error. From the submission of articles to the editing of the approved articles, adviser and staff manually do everything; a school newspaper is really an arduous task. Stoninian (term use refer to the students of Sto. Nino de Novaliches School). Spearheaded by the faculty and head department organize student organization such as Sport Club, Dance Club, Science Club, English Club, Glee Club, Math Club, and Filipino Club. These organizations are open to all interested students. Students are the ones who lead and take charge of their chosen club. Students also have their SC (Student Council), composed of elected student, from different level and section. The SC officers are in charge of monitoring students’ right and developing the all over welfare of the school and its students. School activities and announcements are done traditionally. Announcement of activities are manually done in a cartolina and posted on conspicuous place around school campus. There were times the posters were pulled down prematurely and students were not fully informed regarding the information on the poster. 2. 3 Significance of the Study The project will benefit the student and the school owner. It will make the school known and invite new student. It will display the information about the school and the grade of the student. Also show the recent activities the courses they offered. Directress In this study, the proposed system will make it as one of the marketing strategy to invite new students. Faculty The proposed system it helps the teacher upload the handouts and grade for home tutorials of the students. Student The proposed system will make the student upload their recent activities and view grade their online. The Stoninian can post their organization and invites new members. Staff The proposed system will make the staff post the income activities’ and schools happenings.

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